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Q - Undercut

EQUIP a molecular bolt. FIRE to throw it forward, briefly applying Vulnerable & Suppress to all players it touches. The bolt can pass through solid objects, including walls.

E - Double Tap

INSTANTLY start channeling your focus. Once focused: gain a shield which absorbs one instance of damage from any source, and enter a flow state during which downed enemies you kill or damage spawn an energy orb. Shooting this orb refreshes your flow state and your existing shield, or grants another.

C - Contingency

EQUIP to assemble prismatic energy. FIRE to push an indestructible wall of energy forward that blocks bullets. ALT FIRE to push out a slower version of the wall.

X - Kill Contract

EQUIP an interdimensional arena. FIRE to hurl a column of energy through the battlefield, pulling you and the first enemy hit into the arena. You and your opponent duel to the death.





Win %


Headshot %
