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Q - Sonic Sensor

EQUIP a Sonic Sensor. FIRE to deploy. The sensor monitors an area for enemies making sound. It concusses that area if footsteps, weapons fire, or significant noise are detected. This ability can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.

E - GravNet

EQUIP a GravNet grenade. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to lob. The GravNet detonates upon landing, forcing any characters caught within to crouch and move slowly.

C - Barrier Mesh

EQUIP a Barrier Mesh disc. FIRE to throw forward. Upon landing, the disc generates barriers from the origin point that block character movement.

X - Annihilation

EQUIP a Nanowire Accelerator. FIRE to unleash a pulse of nanowires that captures the first enemy contacted. The cocooned enemy is pulled along a nanowire path and will die unless they are freed. The nanowire cocoon is destructible.





Win %


Headshot %
